The CIA2SFM comes to its end and celebrate the 3-year project’s closure with the final conference “Professional training in sustainable forest management in Austria, Slovenia and Croatia: Experiences, lessons learnt and looking ahead”.

CIA2SFM team
The event took place in Zagreb on 8/6/2018. Croatian Forest Research Institute organized this event in collaboration with project partners in order to disseminate the project results to the target group and to sum up the project’s achievements.
Participants gathered together to hear about the new innovative e-course on sustainable forest management developed collaboratively by project partners. The special emphasis during the conference was given to the (1) key challenges of the forestry sector, (2) pros and cons of e-learning and (3) motivation of adults to participate in e-learning. The topics were presented by the keynote speakers, Andrej Breznikar (SFS), Johann Zöscher (BFW) and Andreas Zitek (BOKU), respectively. More than 100 forestry, vocational training and life-long learning stakeholders from Croatia, Slovenia and Austria participated at the event.
The conference finished with conclusions derived from the panel discussion. The experts from forestry and VET field concluded the inevitably need for the continuous vocational training in forestry sector which is under the constant challenges of various factors, such as climate change. Additionally, they pointed out the importance of implementation of the new teaching methods, such as e-learning, which is in accordance with the need of the modern-day learners.
Find the video links of the key note speakers below. Presentations and gallery find here.
- Key challenges in forestry (Andrej Breznikar, Slovenian Forest Service)
- Erasmus+ Programme (Branka Radonić Choudhury, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes)
- E-learning in forestry – pros and cons (Johann Zöscher, Austrian Research Center for Forests-BFW)
- Motivational aspects in e-learning (Andreas Zitek, BOKU)